Words into powerful mixtapes

Written November 23, 2021

Definition of mixtape, explained Matthew A Cruz style!!! It is an annual landmark on one’s life from the blueprint of the soul. Landmark shared through melodies and lyricism. The joy of capturing that desire & fire sound, is as discovering worlds. I’ve been inspired to share, to blare from the surroundings I’ve lingered through. My first mixtape, IINDEPENDENCE was recorded at the Main Branch of the Denver Public Library—yes a library. Wolves Are Very Emotional was engineered in Vail, while I worked at a ski/outdoor resort as a lift operator, a lifty. My third and forth mixtapes were laid out between two cities surrounding the Denver Metro area. I experienced a lot within the past five years, however these mixtapes present an allegory reality, structured by myths, animals and race—not just as an human-race, but my personal narrative on ethnicity and the color of the skin. Through these years, my alter ego, known as DREAM; I revealed a little about this whimsical character.

It takes a toll on my body and mind when I create music, however I feel a spiritual enhancement when I am finished. I feel as if I've been lifted to the heavens to scream my story. And it is fucking gloryous. I think my most dominant and creative talent out of the process on producing my mixtapes is my ability to mold a body of the story. In speaking of landmark terms, developing the concept of a story is like laying bricks on the ground—shit—it's deciding where you gon’ place your landmark (before it’ll even become a landmark), your building. And the decision making on what I’ll write about is made simultaneously with, what are my next moves in life.

It’s time to take mericanDREAM music more seriously. What does that mean? It means adding more of a production value to the next mixtape—put simply, the mix. I want to lay out an original story; inhaled by the listener, then after, them exhaling fresh thoughts. I want to add on, I feel I haven’t reached my full potential on storytelling—things haven’t lined up. Things. Things—such as my at the time experiences not lining up with the trajectory of the chosen concept. I feel I choose the perfect story to write about, but the content is weak. However, not only what I’m writing is weak sauce, its become bland. Personally, I feel there is magic from what I write yet the magic can have consequences. And when the listener inhales stale oxygen, it might cause damage to their spiritual brain.

Words are powerful. They’re the manifestation of thoughts, and its liaison between what you think and what you’ll do. I must evolve on what the message I want to bring to the world will be. Because it will be interpreted and granted by the Universe. I must evolve on how I’ll bring this message out. I am so good with concepts—years speaking. However, I’m so bad at my delivery.

I plan to share a new way of thinking when I am developing this story. Despite what a typical conspiracy theorist might preach, it’s time to serve my own personal agenda. I have a fuck-ton of work to do. It means I have to align the concept I want to write with the goals I have, overlaying on how I will operate. This operation will feature my ass on becoming better at scheduling shit too.


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