The Rocky Mind of the Apollo
I’ve seen the mystics play there
Once or twice, but I didn’t have a reason
Enhancement plays its cards alright
Hand and hand with the moments of the season
Legends can be now and forever
Teaching us to love for goodness sakes
Legends can be now or forever
Loved by the sun
Loved by the sun
Fallen angel gave the earth debris
Daughter of the dawn asked DREAM could there ever be peace
Come downstairs for some cake for your birthday party
Ima run away - far away
Either that, or be still - meditate
Cool as water in a morning lake
Or a river running in a rage
Either way - The sun will shine today
Either way - Ima man, I made mistakes
Drove a woman's love - then hit the brakes
Now condemned above - Intoxicate
I ordered tea at a coffee shop
This barista wore a red top
Tag spell Lucy - knew some’n wrong
Then she asked - did I want it hot
(welcome to hell)
Then she asked - Why you run a lot
Then I have to ask - Where is God?
We are all in a paradox
But you DREAM - make Pandora’s box
Will you run away - far away
Or sit near a demon - meditate
Like a running river’ll - break away
Either way - The sun will shine today
Lucy: And how is your heart? DREAM: Well, not pure, it’s—
Lucy: Mortals have an average of 35 million heartbeats a year. I mean—you’re 30 years old, that’s a billion heart beats. Give or take. The earth has reached 4 and a half billion hear—earth beats.
DREAM: You mean its reached 4 and half billion times around the sun.
Lucy: Aw yes! And my Father said, his spirit can not abide in Humanity—for you are flesh and bone. Your days are numbered to no more than 120 years—that’s about 4 and a half billion eart—heartbeats... If Lucky
DREAM: K, Lucy! Lucy: I cherish anagrams—switching letters around—switching objects...
[Lucy’s voice darkens] Switching meanings to reveal a truth.
She waves her legs with high heels - sugar cane - I wanna taste
Legs for days - Coke bottle for a body figure - Cherry flavored
She’s so sweet - sophisticated with a PHD - So sharp and grounded as stilettos - You won’t forget - no no Coco -
DREAM was in the middle of a field but all of a sudden
he is V.I.P. [ooo] sitting in the club with people - now beloved
DREAM, a man - boy from puppet - scented women looking at him
Pheromones will get me into trouble - loan my love - yet owe the devil
The serves came, placing on the table for the royal - Silver platter “bonjour mon coeur”
She expresses with a halo - She’s so sweet - elegant - though capricious to B.S.
So sharp and grounded as stilettos - Punt yo ass in over in zone
However she is a fallen angel and DREAM realized that
This| all a gimmick to deceive my soul and you can’t mimic what DREAM loves most
Clean my soul with Fabuloso - feed, quench - croissants, diet coke
Don’t bite the apple - in this castle Gotchu blinded by her dazzle
I wanna dive in the sea YEP - but I got cold feet, cold feet [X4]
I am a bit sceptic - by people who think they know God’s message
When Lucy herself lived it - I see why the devil livid - I see why Jesus threw some shit
I see why Buddah on a mountain Calm down Devil - Calm down
The devil and an angel on my shoulder - that’s why I’m bipolar
Wish my mind was golden - being older - I’m devoted to the moment
Wondering like Mose - where’s this promise land - I was deported - but the universe - said to cross the red sea -
Or it’ll hold it
I wanna cross that red sea YEP but I got cold feet, cold [X2]
Calm down devil - Calm down [X2]
Lucy: I invented the light!
DREAM: [DREAM corrects] God invented the light!
Lucy: I suppose you’d say God invented the internet. God invented cream soda, God invented Turtle Island. My
Father is the inventor of all things—but when he said let there be light—I created it!
[Gives a scornful look] You humies are never ones for the details.
DREAM: You are the most evil being to have EVER existed. You are the princess of darkness!
Lucy: So I’ve been told. Even so... I brought value to the light
Lemme hear that beat - okay Rather be Safe than sorry
Stare at the vanity mirror - brush your hair then talk to Daddy
Your red hair was more beautiful than the stars at the valley
Come downstairs, have some cake for your birthday party
Your favorite chocolate cake - that richest delicious taste
This is what you craved - Michael and Gabe are here to give you praise
My morning wake - play some music reaching heaven’s gates
I wrote this, I wrote this during work
Sorry forgive me
Heaven with the goodie goods, as Vail, Colorado - Ima filthy nook
And read a many books - yet stupid as I look
I understand the Devil - what makes a rebel
Black Zeus praise a white Jesus - burns me up as Galieo
Compliment my hair - Ima hit the rails - please think of me as an ugly child
Fucking hate to smile - unless genuine - only once in a while
Water down my mood - Then I’m in da-nile [swimming joke]
US Veteran, I’m a gentlemen - yet I’m element
My horse galloping - just kidding I wish
I walk a lot of miles, the sole of my feet is empowerment - I gallivant
Buy a Kit Kat in Swiss Franc - to break the bank - man - you will pay - yeah - for that taste
The price of heaven for a day - is fucking cray
Seven days is all I could stay - then I’ll stray away left
Left like a mental case - no same face knows my name
They arrived on earth with the idea of colonizing
The Atlanteans giant spaceship served as their floating city
It sank into the bowels of the earth during a volcanic catastrophe
Destroying the spaceship but perhaps not the Atlantean people
They might still live
Then there came bones Panda looking back Dead bones at sea
Fallen angel gave the earth debris
Daughter of the dawn asked DREAM could there ever be peace
If God’s anger last all eternity Like an energy, burning
Or an entropy, a dead soul never learning Guess I’ll drink bourbon
Lucy with a beverage, bursting She hurting
Religious Kitty
Bow to an alter
A wish to the genie
Please make me an offer
Is she ginger or she live in a gingerbread house—no wolf can blow out
Can the light of the sun reach the darkest of her route
This leo lost sight of the sun—but gained the heat of it
DREAM relates to Phoenix
This candle surrounds the darkness—held by Prometheus
You could work on your attitude—you could try harder, be more diligent, double your speed. But your efforts would
only succeed in getting you to the wrong place faster. ‘Cause, if you have the wrong map in the first place AND a
bad sense of direction, [Marvin chuckles] you gonna be lost and not know why
Sun to Neptune - size of quarter
Compare to the galaxy - America, its borders
Ima lion, Ima werewolf - ‘cept I’m a loner
Thinkin’ of luna - ‘cept I ain’t a stoner
Love the taste of fruit, the oranges from Tropicana
Every minute made - I concentrate - a TV with an antenna
Come from a treasure state with mountains - I ain’t talkin’ Montana
Yet I’m Black, I’m Latin - with hair like I’m from Havana
Goddess, Goddess - I’m need some love from all the heavens
Straight to Kahului Airport - Ima need a beverage
Soak the sun, an ocean like the mountains, Ima get it
Count ‘em numbers - ONE - I’m lucky as seven to seven
Seven to seven - lucky as seven to seven
They say nine-one-one is an emergency number
Imana say one-nine-nine-one is an embassy wonder
Black cats, gray wolves - hot, cold in the mix - make that thunder
Truth is I’m lion - Ima warrior, Ima lover
Ima warrior, Ima lover - Ima warrior, Ima lover
I’m going to speak from, my heart - Into the moment, it grew large
As a component over all parts - Ain’t it glorious to restart
This Atlantean Panda - Showed me the wisdom of God’s love
Told me the kingdom, one love - Gave me a reason to unplug
Being specific - I grew up - Stare at the ground though - heads up
Hike on a mountain as Buddha - Drank from the fountain - seven up
Did God himself - Bartend - Grab my wallet to thank Him
As I used the tools of a craftsman - As I walk through his creation
As I witnessed the strength of women - As I hear the wake of the wind
This a song for all who lost - Get myself drunk in God’s love
This an embassy wonder
She has on - a French hat - - - Ozwelda - a panda
Um - what’s her mantra - - - DREAM a conundrum
Now on top of the summit - met up with an Aries
Now he meets the Libra - her scale measures all things
Who’s the daughter of Jupiter?
Does she tend her garden - wilderness
I’m just saying - Have you met her?
Did Lucy get her arsenal from Venus?
Ozwelda: I am the great and powerful... Ozzy. I see you've been on quite a journey—yeah!?
DREAM: ...yeah Ozwelda: Ooo! Are you thirsty? Would you enjoy a Halloween Mai Tai?
DREAM: Um. I’m not that thirsty. Ozwelda: Hmm. Okays. Just looks like you came from a
hot Nevada desert and you haven’t seen a cold, refreshing beverage in days.
DREAM: Yeah!? Appearance isn’t everything. I’m cool. Ozwelda: Hmm. It has rum.
DREAM: [Exhales] Okay. Okay. I’ll have a Mai Tai
Ozwelda: Why is the rum gone!?
DREAM: What? Ozwelda: Remember?! Jack Sparrow. Why is the rum gone!?
DREAM: Oh. Ha ha ha.
Ozwelda: [Gives look] Right. [Searches the cooler] [Makes panda noise and Grunts]
DREAM: [Becomes impatient] Lemme take a look. [Searches the cooler] There’s nothing in this
Ozwelda: But, why is the rum gone!?
Hello fellow
Green and Yellow
Makes Me Mellow
Sun and Grass
Comfy as a marshmallow
Taste the aloe vera
Keep it simple You’re a temple
In America - your freedom rekindled
Panda says - Energy, the universal currency
A man can - use his energy for the love of money
A lady can - use her energy just to make her life Wall Street
Buy yourself desires so inside you feel complete
Go dance with classy people - vibe to that beat
Or brag you could salsa with the beautiful - hold their hand as you lead
Surround yourself with em palm trees - Soak by an ocean breeze
Or send it - down the mountain on that powder as you ski
Could use that energy as an employee just to make that money
Or an academic vitality - instead of serving coffee - get yourself lost in a lotte
Use your energy just be the company of the misery
Or energy to shop for groceries - should I feast on positivity
I’ve been thinking digital - every minute though
Pussy in the interval - could she fill my soul
Lucy is an animal - like an owl on a post
I’ve been thinking ghost - but she been standing next to me
Looking down my soul - since Atlantis adios
Panda sat to find her soul - dis-attachment is the goal, not the physical
Balancing the doves, the crows - kept the raven from the boat
Talkin’ Noah’s boat - Oz saw the rainbow
There’s this turtle - size of a titan
On its shell - it carries our mountains
It carries our mountains - swims through the ocean
Size of Atlantic - It feels mother’s motions
The crow flew too close to the sun - Its color was the promise to Noah
And the color of the ground is mocha - And the color of God is wa - tah
Car・pe Dir・em - the fallen wanted God in a mausoleum
But God wanted Lucy, to find her reason
To understand the father - have to fit the pieces
And these are words from an Atlantean - God and the devil are the same kin
This is when Turtle Island vacant - And the crow fell on Atlantis
And God floods the earth with his tears - Now Lucy’s residence is the wilderness
It forced Atlanteans to be homeless - Oz will never leave this moment
Bombay cat under moonlight - chillin’ in the highrise - Does the cat have nine lives - is she still on the first one
Will she need to use one - drink some booze for more rules - want my time go cuckoo - want my friends
go woohoo
Oh my god! T’challa - cats in camies [orah!] - Cat out of the bag, voila - wolves came back, tada
Goodnight praise be Luna - sit yo ass on the sofa - Tu casa, Mi casa - earth to Mars by rover
Would sky go Aurora - DREAM get laid Aloha - Black Cats in range rovers - Grey wolves love October
Would Jack-o-lantern think so - Or does he think its evil - Why pumpkins patch so regal - Though
pumpkins protect people
Ozwelda on a mountain top - gives the wisdom of man and god - cats and dogs - press play button then
hit pause - nigga stop - No need to curse - no need to hurt - just be diverse - here’s an herb - lavender -
your mother’s soul will never leave this earth - I mean she protected you since birth
DREAM realized this star - was Saturn - even at the distance 800 million - you ain’t no Alien - a word from
Atlantean - an economic remix - to the demons - to behemoth - to the legion - to the reaper, to its keepers
DREAM a reverb - It means hell entered DREAMWORLD - but don’t doubt - DREAM is a lion
Ain’t a coward - he’ll devour - the evil presence - the ALL that tower - curse me then i’ll be blessed
Bless me, then I can rest - zero celsius - Even at that I’m the brightest crest
Life after death - a peridot on her neck - from the sun’s treasure chest - her gem gave me some zest
Wear a snapback - backpack - think fast - find your romance in France, though protract - don’t attract -
your main squeeze ending up your enemy - to be sleeping - taking your energy - calling you a deadbeat
Though you did everything - under the sun to bring peace - her love will come back when hell freezes -
so better be as MJ and just beat it
Dance with me on this fire
Hold my stone, Sapphire
Don’t strike me out - Umpire
Blow my mind - Macgyver
Ima shake away these demons
And if heaven files a grievance
Me, being on the garden of Eden
I guess I didn’t have a reason
Find your way into heaven’s gates
Use your flame to light the way
Lucy had nine stones from Yahweh
And lost em all in a day
Save your soul from heaven’s hoax
Enjoy your sleep from all the woke
Be at peace - on sea
On sea - calm on a boat
Arboretum - full of reason - earn a million
Or stay hooked - Robin Williams - What dreams may come
Can’t imagine - only DREAM it
But life very scenic
Taste this nectarine - Taste this kiwi - Taste these strawberries
Enjoy life’s fine treats
Meet the Father - Tell Him Lucy’ll never own my spirit - Just my intellect - on my flesh
Heaven seen from the trenches
Power from the sun
Jackie Chan do a stunt - make you wonder how
If I’d learn how to dance - Ida made you proud
But imagine me - had a following - Nah - I’d rather be a lost sheep than your child
I’m talkin’ to your American forefathers
All the lords who’d never want me near their daughters
Am I worthy to wield the sword of King Author
Or am I worthless as a penny cause my skin is copper
Pace myself up this hill - YEAH
I could see the summit, where she stands - yes PANDA
Wave my rights as MIRANDA
So I’ll place my feet on the summit - BONANZA
Between Black and White - we see the world different
I’ve been at the bottom for so long - I’m a footnote
I don’t belong in any page other than your - complaint form
Behave or - I’ll leave you with no neighbors
Who’s speaking - that’s the system - Algorithm put your rhythm in the winter
Make your water taste as vinegar - yes it’s sinister - but DREAM guilty
You helped built this system - that sees you as a little thing - you’re its buddy
You’ll never have enough money - or a big family
I make state of the art rap with the cheapest product
But hey, that’s what I do best so whatever
But I like Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin
For the cheap seats in the back - including my ass - where I sat at
A nigga need to know when to smile back - say cheese to the moment - no Kodak
Ima roll back, ‘member as a young lad - Face to the screen since sixteen - reciting rap
With a ball cap - since Englewood high - this a snapback - Now thirty into aphrodisiac
With an afro - nappy headed nigga from Colorado
Used to love em marshmallows - now I want more my skin color, yellow or an aloe
Loud as a stereo - honey nut Cheerios
Ima nigga - since day one weather other niggas love or hate it
Black sheep of the black sheep - no crook - Ima wolf
Find my ass on the narrow path - ain’t a wook - Yet I got the look
On your finger, find an eyelash - make a wish - to a shooting star - what’s that
If you’re ivory or black - what’s the panda? If there’s more of myself - not the answer
Yet I’m full of myself - that’s a cancer - though no self love - I’m an abstract
Do the the math - DREAM super selfish yet selfless in a palace - Soulless as relic
DREAM admire looks and the glamour - every single color on a rooftop
Blue or red umbrella - once a beast who imprisoned Bella - Now a man who is free as Mandela - who is mellow
Though when black and white spotted it’s Cruella - When DREAM with a woman - he get jealous
Of reality, space and time, fixated on the wrong album - Pictures of her past lovers
DREAM an abstract
I’m an abstract [x7]
Do the math, DREAM super selfish
Honey Nut cheerios!
The world is full of disappointment
I wonder if I was the cause of it
I made another bad decision
Made another woman hate a man
Instead of having her say Amen
Instead of having her say Amen
The system of the pine
Hello People
This is take one
Alright take two
Take three
Take 78
The Atlantean people, they might still live
Enter into DREAM’s Dimension - not to mention - I am an invention - I am a remanent
Oh so vintage, oh on commitment - more like pension - they want...
1 Everyday I’m getting older...
2 Everyday I’m getting less cool...
3 And the world is turning warmer...
4 Yet the world is getting more cruel...
5 And the DREAM is speaking with D E A T H - we’re drinking tea
6 Sharing thoughts on mutual friends - yeah we disagree
7 On how we water our plants - DREAM prefers succulents
8 And D E A T H prefers rose petals in a garden - garden
9 As Lucy tempt Eve with an apple - Her Father in the background
10 As DREAM is just an asshole - cause humans wish to be immortal
11 But DREAM will not endorse those - Guess their slumber that important
12 Mama needs her sleep though - adding in the wrinkles
13 Yes, the stars twinkle - we’re an era past and Lucy back as an angel
14 Ozwelda gone naval
15 A panda in the sea looking down her people
16 Looking down my people
17 As Lucy tempt Eve with an apple - Her Father in the background
18 As DREAM is just an asshole - cause humans wish to be immortal
19 But DREAM will not endorse those - Guess their slumber that important
20 Mama needs her sleep though - adding in the wrinkles
21 Yes, the stars twinkle - we’re an era past and Lucy back as an angel
22 Ozwelda gone naval
23 A panda in the sea looking down her people
24 Looking down my people
25 Mama told me be as humble as King David - Though I feel like I’m Matthew, the Accountant
26 Mama told me, I’m a lion on a mountain -Though I hang out with the shadow of death, I’m a wolf
27 Writing my own Psalms, oh!
28 Writing my own Psalms, oh!
29 Writing my own Psalms, oh!
30 Making my own Gold, oh!
31 Writing my own Psalms, oh!
32 Writing my own Psalms, oh!
33 Writing my own Songs, oh!
34 Making my own Gold, oh!
35-38 Making my own Gold - Does DREAM have the midas touch - Power from the sun
Lucy: O how I have fallen! Daughter of the Dawn. Atlantean One... I walked up and down on the
same stripe of floor for millennia. Punishment paid in insanity, shrouded by the window view I
watched from. My father favors divine purpose, yet humanity seeks glory—for themselves...
...for myself. I miss my dad. All I wanted was his undivided attention. I wanted to be like him—so
he would be proud of his first child. But the pressure was so great, it began to suck the light out
of me. I began to blame my Father for everything, as I made him my scapegoat.
[Lucy’s eyes drift open - Pause for emotional effect] I’m sorry, Father. I wish to be the devil no more.
Ozwelda: Hahaha Blah, blah, blah blah
Blah Blah, blah blah
Blah blah blah blah blah
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Blah blah blah blah blah blah
Blah blah blah blah blah blah
I don’t say blah blah blah