Hiking w Matt

Episode 8

Blanca Peak, Costilla County, Colorado


Summit reached on July 12, 2023

about a six minute read

Summiting an approximate two and two-third mile high mountain in Colorado, gives spiritual nourishment and humility, and a supreme feeling of accomplishment. From my experience, there’s no easy way to the top, only by shuffling my two feet forward and slowly. Yet, the march to the summit doesn’t just start at the base of the mountain—there’s the scheduling process, the preparation, the physical conditioning—as though stars need to align before the moment is right. There are no guarantees the summit will be reached.

I knew I had only one day for hiking and one day for recovery, if I was to finish a full work week and begin another—especially in these expensive times living in Colorado—I needed the money. I couldn’t afford to miss work. I also had the need to complete this hike before I turned thirty-two by the end of the month. It was July, already a rainy summer, and my biggest question within my concentric plan was, will there be lightning. If the sun would beam at me, I’d wear a thin layer of clothing, shielding me from sunburn. If it were cold, I’d layer up to keep warm. However, it’s game over if lightning is involved.

My mind and my soul were in desperate need for clarity as I was battling a mental storm within. I work as a second crew member for a passenger train—assisting the operator, making sure the train is lined up to the platform, safe for passengers to exit and board. So I have to deal with numerous personalities from suburban locals to wildcard transits—maintaining diplomacy on the train, taking a toll on my mental health at times. Conducting a heavy concentration of people from an affluent steel jungle of Denver, where there are constant celebratory chatter and festive noises—over time, it gets exhausting. As I ride the train from station to station, I look out the window and gaze upon the front range mountains where I lose myself in its distant and indigo presence.

July 11, 2023 : 1:00pm

I woke up as the sun’s rays seeped through the window blinds. My body was ready for the day as I got up, got ready and headed for the light rail to grab the rental car. 

July 11, 2023 : 4:00pm

The rental place provided an upgrade from what I was supposed to drive, where I picked up a 2021 GMC Terrain—awe—what a sweet ride.

July 11, 2023 : 5:00pm

I arrived for my weekend shift as a conductor, on route for three and a half service-revenue trips from Denver to Thornton and back.

July 12, 2023 : 12:00am

I finished my shift and drove home to Golden to grab my gear for the challenging hike.

July 12, 2023 : 12:30am

I finished packing my Air Force approved backpack full of snacks and drinks, my Canon camera kit, hiking boots and extra socks, and extra layers of clothing in the GMC. Then I set a course for Lake Como Road in Alamosa, Colorado. 

July 12, 2023 : 4:30am

I arrived on Lake Como Road where I could see the silhouette of the Sangre De Cristo mountain range as the sky was brightening. Once I parked, a group of young adults parked next to me, making conversation. One of them asked if I was hiking towards Blanca Peak. I responded, yes. Then, they responded, they were going to do the entire hike in two days. At that moment, I was concerned, as I planned on hiking for one day.

July 12, 2023 : 5:30am

I began my walk from the GMC, onto the rocky and rough terrain. The temperature was about 60 degrees (Fahrenheit) and the clouds above the mountain were an aesthetic red—just an incredible sight to see. The beginning of the trail was surrounded by dry vegetation, giving an Australian outback look.

July 12, 2023 : 10:15am

I finally reached Lake Como, hidden within the forest of pine trees and its neighboring rocky hills. I was layered up from head to toe, wearing a ski mask, shades, a thin black long-sleeved shirt, gloves, and pants. I was covered completely due to the high volume of mosquitoes and insects.

July 12, 2023 : 1:20pm

I came across another lake, stripped down to my trunk shorts and dipped my body in it. It was super cold, I couldn’t dunk my head in it. Once I came out, I nearly dried up instantaneously. 

July 12, 2023 : 5:15pm

I summited Blanca Peak at 14,351 feet. 

July 12, 2023 : 9:30pm

It became Blair-Witch-Projects dark. I utilized my CAT LED necklamp, with two independent head beams. I had one head beam of light on at a time to conserve battery usage.

July 13, 2023 : 12:00am

I was completely dry out of water, my body reaching full exhaustion and my legs nearly refusing to move.

July 13, 2023 : 1:15am

I finally made my way back to the GMC parked at Lake Como Road. My feet were bruised and calves were sore as a mutha f’er! My iPhone was only less than 10%. I slept in the car for five hours before heading back to Golden.

I could say I was properly prepared except I brought boots that were already destroyed from hiking Castle Peak. After summiting Blanca Peak, climbing down, the boots were pinching my feet the whole way down. It was miserable. During the hike I drank: one 28 fl oz Powerade, one 16 fl oz BODYARMOR, two 20 fl oz of Glaceau Smartwater, and one 50.7 fl oz Fiji water. I used up two AA batteries for the necklamp, and brought two spares, otherwise I’d been blind and wouldn’t been able to find my way back. I brought my charging battery for the phone, which I ended up using, being able to document the experience. 

Near the summit, other than colonies of mosquitoes, I saw some black spiders, a few ladybugs, and even heard the raven’s gurgle. I was also positioned above a marmot, as it seemed its chin was resting on its paw, just taking in the mountainous scenery.


Hiking Toll

17 miles (hiking from base to summit) roundtrip

Start at 8,000 ft and end at 14,351 ft

Total gain in elevation: 6,351 ft

Financial list

Rental: $255.04 ($300 deposit returned)

Gas: $74.20

Groceries: $69.82


Total Spending: $399.06

Time Consumed

8 hrs (Golden to Alamosa) roundtrip

19.5 hrs (hiking from base to summit and back)


27 hrs and 30 mins of activity (hiking and driving)


About Route to Peak: 14ers.com